When the whole world was looking hopefully to the future, along came the rose to set standards for all other roses for the remainder of this century. Even non-rosarians know Peace by its huge opulent blossoms, its delicious blend of colors, its very large glossy green foliage, and its easy-to-grow plant. Best color & performance east of the Rockies.
ClassHybrid Tea
Plant HabitMedium
Growth HabitBushy
Plant Height4' to 6½'
Plant Widthup to 3'
Foliage ColorVery large, glossy green
Flower ColorLemony yellow edged pure pink
Flower SizeVery large
Flower FormVery full
Petal Count40 to 45
ParentageSeedling x Margaret McGredy
HybridizerFrancis Meilland
Intro Year1946
Introduced ByConard-Pyle Co. (US), Meilland et Cie (FR)
AARS WinnerAARS—1946