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Borage Seeds (Organic)


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Borage | id:23358 | Borago officinalis | Certified Organic by Ecocert Canada | Annual/self-seeds | Open Pollinated | Heirloom
Originated in Syria, naturalized to Europe. Edible flower with a refreshing taste that is often used for tea, tastes like cucumber flavor. Young leaves can be harvested and cooked like spinach. Borage seeds contain oils with the highest concentration (20% to 30%) of the fatty acid GLA. Borage is also a total bee magnet! Borage is self-seeding annual.
Companion plants: Tomato, Peppers, Squash, Cabbage, Strawberry, Cucumber, Beans, Peas.
Planting tip: Seed scarification is recommended to aid germination. Sow seeds directly into the garden after the last date of frost. Sowing the seeds every four weeks will ensure a ready supply of borage flowers. Pinching the terminal growth will force a bushier plant but may sacrifice some of the flowers.
Harvesting tip: Pick fresh flowers for freezing or drying for bouquets. Cut the fresh leaves during the summer to add to salads or spreads.

Seed depth:1/4-1/2″ Direct, Plant spacing:18-24″, Row spacing:24-30″, Sun Level:3, Watering Level:2, Germination:5-15 days/jrs, 9-37°C Optimally:23°C, Days to maturity:50-65 d/j, Edible leaf, Edible flower, Attracts pollinators

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